Time Out
Have you ever felt like you would like to slow down and take it easy for a while?
Is it time for that well deserved break yet?
Taking steps to look after our wellbeing can help us deal with stress more efficiently. This is where our emotional resilience comes from.
Resilience is not just the ability to bounce back, but also the capacity to adapt in the face of challenging circumstances, whilst maintaining a stable mental wellbeing. Resilience isn't an inborn skill– it's something that can be learnt and we can all take steps to achieve.

Here are three ways that we can manage our own stress and minimise the negative effects:
1. Take time to exercise: 3 in 1
Following an injury early last year, I stopped running and completely lost my running routine.
The pressure and demands of life got to such a level that I had to do something and fast!
A few weeks ago, I started running again, I had not realised the effects this had on me, not only it gets my thoughts back in order; but it invigorates me, it makes me smile more, gets me out of my frustration and bring the adrenalines right through my veins! (my last 10 km kept me on a natural high for at least a week!) By reducing my own stress, I can also help lessen the stress of those around me. Taking time to exercise get us to hydrate more, eat healthier and have a good night sleep! Not to mention how much more relaxed we will feel after that.
2. Have a Swedish massage
While the challenges of life are constantly increasing, stressful situations occur always more frequently, and although advice on how to avoid or deal with stress are pouring down out there, it can be overwhelming what to choose, so I would simply say: ensure you make time for relaxation!
When was the last time you went for some “me time “? The best way to reduce stress and anxieties is to go for a Swedish massage: A whole-body therapeutic massage designed to relax your muscles and joints. A massage will u
sually get me to relax a lot more, improves circulation in my body and lower my blood pressure. Although it won't make our stress disappear completely it will certainly reduce some of the emotional intensity that we are feeling and help us to deal with our problems more efficiently.
3. And breathe …
There so many relaxation techniques that can help us, but for me the best one I will always go back to when facing stressful times are Breathing Techniques.
So, let’s stop for a moment and with one hand on the chest and the other on the belly, take a few slow deep breaths through the nose ensuring the diaphragm (not the chest) inflates with enough air to create a stretch in the lungs. This helps to regain control, and releases the stress and deeply reconnect you with the rest of the world.
The goal: Six to 10 deep, slow breaths per minute for 10 minutes each day to experience immediate effect.
Taking care of ourselves is primordial to
get the most from life.
Taking some “ me time “doesn’t need to cost a fortune or take up loads of time.
What about you what have you done lately for yourself that you would like to share with us?